Friday, January 28, 2005

Weekly Word for January 28 - February 4, 2005

Weekly Word - January 28, 2005

Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.
(Hebrews 4: 16)

The forecast was for a “Blizzard”! The “warnings” were on our television stations - and we were all told to get ready - - - and so we did - - - we started to prepare for what might be ahead . . .

I had called Mike that morning - checking if he too had heard the forecast - “Oh mom - of course we have our bread and milk - just like everyone else!” was his response. Everyone, it seemed, had rushed out to the local stores - to get “supplies” - milk, bread, and whatever else might be needed, if the worst happened - - - and then the first flakes started to fall. As they did - Ted and I were ready - we had food and supplies - and we had each other. Then I started to think about other storms - other times of when I hoped for the best - - - and prepared for the worst . . .

For Thou art my hope: O Lord God, Thou art my confidence from my youth.
(Psalm 71: 5)

It was Christmas Eve - and we had gone to my grandparents’ house. I don’t remember too much of visiting with my grandparents - playing with my cousins - or even opening my presents. What I do remember - - - is the drive home. The three of us kids were in the back - and at 5 years old - I was the oldest. It was snowing so hard - and I could tell that my parents were afraid! I could hear it in their voices - and see it on their faces. As we drove - all I could see out the window - was snow! Wayne was just a baby - and so he was sleeping when the car stopped. But it didn’t stop at our house - - - it stopped in the middle of the road - - - quite a few streets away from home! And there we sat - - - snow all around us . . .

Do not fear, for I am with you; - - - for I am your God. - - - surely I will help you . . .”
(Isaiah 41: 10)

Somehow, we were going to have to walk home - through the snow - - - and I was so afraid! My two parents could carry my younger brothers - - - but there was no one - to carry me! I remember being terrified - as the snow was so deep! And then - - - help was there! I don’t know who they were - or where they came from - but two arms picked me up - - - and carried me home!

“Since you are honored and I love you, . . . Do not fear, for I am with you;”
(Isaiah 43: 4 & 5)

It was a couple of years later - - - and it was my birthday party! Everyone was there - my grandparents, aunts, and cousins - all had come to celebrate. Soon though, it started to snow - and everyone was leaving! As they quickly got on their coats and said good-bye - I felt a little angry that my party was ending before it had really begun! We watched as they all drove away - and I turned to look at my presents. It wasn’t long though - before there was a knock at our door. There - cold and wet - were my aunt and uncle - as well as my cousins. Their car was stuck in the middle of the road - just about where ours had been stuck - a couple of years earlier! That night - we all snuggled in - as the storm raged outside. Next to me - in my bed - my cousin and I giggled and laughed - all night long - - - I thought it was a wonderful birthday present . . .

“I am the Lord your God - your Savior - you are precious in My sight” . . .
(Isaiah 43: 3 & 4)

From early childhood - I had learned about storms - and the unpredictability of them. So when I became a wife and a mother - I again found myself facing a “blizzard”! Mike was just 8 months old when the first flakes started to fall. My husband had just left for work - when the world outside became all-white! This was no ordinary storm - and fear started to grip me! I was alone - with the baby - and I hoped and prayed that my husband would come back home . . .

He had turned around - and headed back home when the storm quickly became a “white-out”. Somehow, he got the car barely into the driveway - and made it into the house. And that’s where we stayed - for the next three days! It was the “Blizzard of ‘78” - and to this day - I remember the snow drifts being over my head!

It was a strange time - as cars were not allowed on the roads. So we walked - to the store with our baby. Neighbors checked on each other - and all around - people went out of their way to help each other. There were quite a few deaths attributed to that storm - - - but the storm also brought with it - a sense of caring - for those around us . . .

And so, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience . . .
(Colossians 3: 12)

Over the years - I have witnessed great tragedies - and the amazing gifts of compassion and caring that have come from those times . . .

When Sept. 11th happened - it was day of unimaginable loss. But the hearts of so many heroes grew on that day. As people worked to rescue their neighbors - and those they had never met - the amazing strength and compassion of a nation grew . . .

Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, . . . And beyond all these things - put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.
(Colossians 3: 13 & 14)

So we tried to prepare again - for another “blizzard” . . . and Ted and I waited out the storm - checking on our family and friends now and then - by phone. That night, we went to bed wondering what we would find the next morning . . .

By mid-morning the next day - the storm had begun to slow down - and finally ended. Along with others - Ted and I went out to shovel. We found ourselves meeting neighbors we had never met - joining together to face the storm. One neighbor had let us use her driveway - keeping our cars safe through the night. We shoveled each other’s driveways and walkways - and checked on neighbors who were unable to get out. And again I watched - as the “best” in some were found - when the most difficult of times were before them . . .

Jesus said - “Do not be afraid any longer, only believe” . . .
(Mark 5: 36)

On this earth - there will always be times of trials - times of hardships to be faced. During them - we will see what is inside of us - the fears and doubts - as well as our strengths and compassion. As you walk this road of Life - will you ask Him to be there with you - - - taking the fears - and bringing forth what is good - and life-giving . . .

And beyond all these things - put on love, . . .

God bless you in the coming week ahead!

In His Love,
Debbie & Ted Ayers

Friday, January 21, 2005

Weekly Word - January 21 to 28, 2005

Weekly Word - January 21- 28, 2005

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”
(Mathew 11: 28)

As I sat with my friend, I listened as she told of all that was going on in her life. Sitting with our coffee - we talked about the troubles that we each found ourselves dealing with. Her husband was very sick - and the outlook really wasn’t very good. The family was struggling with finances and bills - and so much seemed so difficult! Then my friend looked at me and said: “But God never gives us more than we can handle!” I knew that she was right - - - but I also knew that - sometimes - there is too much to handle . . .

“Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.”
“For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.”
(Mathew 11: 29 & 30)

Many years ago - I met a woman who seemed to have dedicated her whole life to doing God’s work. She was living in a small room on the property of a ministry - helping out wherever she was needed - teaching, cooking, cleaning - - - she was always there! Then one day - during a woman’s meeting - she told us a little more about herself. She told us that God had moved her from living in a large house - - - to a smaller apartment - - - and then to living in one room! She told us all how God had wanted to take all “worldly” possessions away from her - to get her to focus just on Him . . .

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.
(1 John 5: 3)

As I grew to know this woman more and more - I learned about a woman who had been a wife and a mother. She had married young - and soon had 5 beautiful children. She had worked hard to be a good wife - and a good mother. She also wanted to be a “good” Christian woman - and was trying so hard to do everything just right. And then troubles came into her life. She found herself a single mother - - - as her husband had left her! Struggling she needed to find a smaller place to live. She then struggled with her youngest children - trying and trying to keep them safe and out of trouble. As things became more and more difficult - she turned to another for guidance - - - and the ministry allowed her to move where she could feel safe - - - where she could feel that what she was doing was good - - - and she moved into one room - - - away from everyone who had hurt her . . .

And behold, I am with you, and will keep you - wherever you go . . .”
(Gen. 28: 15)

I too had found myself in the same situation - - - I was a single mother - struggling to pay the rent - wondering how I would feed us - or take care of the rest of the bills. As time went on - and I became physically sick - - - it became harder and harder to know what to do. One friend gave me a magnet - that I still have on my refrigerator - that says: “The will of God will not lead you - where the grace of God cannot keep you” - and I wondered - had God led me to where I was?

Then other friends gave me their thoughts - and they believed I was at this point because I had not done what God wanted - - - where they correct?

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine.”
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you . . .
For I am the Lord your God”
(Isaiah 43: 1)

“God never gives us more than we can handle” . . . that’s what she said . . . But sadly - I knew that others would! So many times we can find ourselves facing much more than we can even imagine! But God does give us another promise - - - He promises to be right there with us - carrying us - through those very difficult times . . .

“When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. For I am the Lord your God,” . . . “Since you are precious in My sight, Since you are honored, And I have loved you.”
“Do not fear, for I am with you;”
(Isaiah 43: 2 - 5)

Looking back - there have been many reasons for all that I have faced in life. Choices were made by loved ones and friends - as well as myself. There have been times of betrayals and hurts - times of loss and sickness - times when I didn’t know where to turn - - - except to the Lord. Did the Lord cause me to suffer? I don’t believe so - - - but He was there! He brought healing and Life - out of all that was so awful . . .

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good - to those who love God . . . . (Romans 8:28)

A few days ago - I heard a story about an athlete. This man had been playing football for over eight years. He worked very hard over all those years - but never made it to the “big” game! The team that he played for - never did very well. Then - this past year - he went to another team. During this season - he has again worked very hard - and played even better! This year - his team has won! He was asked what his wishes were: “I wish I had played for this team - for all those years” and then he stopped and spoke again - “No - I am glad I am here now - but all those years? - they make this year much more special - they help me to appreciate what I have now” . . .

I understood what this man was saying - - - all the hurts and struggles - have helped me to love deeper - to appreciate the life I have now! There have been moments when I have looked at Ted - and wished that we had met so many years ago! But then, I realize that we are the person we are today - because of all we have been through.

If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, - - - Even there - Your hand shall lead, And Your right hand shall hold me.
(Psalm 139: 9)

“God never gives us more than we can handle” - and He doesn’t. My friend was right. Are there difficult days ahead for her and her family? Yes. But I also know that the Lord will be right there with them - through it all . . .

“For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “to give you a future and hope.” “Then you will call upon Me,” . . . (Jeremiah 29:11)

The Lord’s plans for us - they are good! But other troubles do come our way - - - Will you call on Him - knowing that His promise is “to always be with you - and keep you - wherever you go” . . .

God bless you in the coming week ahead!

In His Love,
Debbie & Ted Ayers

Friday, January 14, 2005

Weekly Word - January 14 to 21, 2005

Weekly Word - January 14, 2005

“But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
(Mathew 13: 16 & 17)

As I walked into the store, the manager looked at me and commented: “You are always so happy! You smile too much! And then she said: “Don’t you ever have any troubles?” As she said this - I realized how ironic it really was! It had been one of the most difficult of days - - - and she had no clue! She didn’t even see . . .

‘You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; And you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; For the heart of this people has become dull.’
(Mathew 13: 14b & 15a)

She was six years old - and had never been in a school room! Nervously, she wondered what to expect - - - what would her teacher be like? - - - would the other kids like her? So many questions running through her mind - and then she saw her! She was so beautiful - and seemed so nice. She quietly watched as this pretty lady came and took her hand - bringing her over to her group - - - she was going to be her teacher!

The little girl loved school! She loved her classroom and everything in it! But most of all - she loved her teacher! She had blonde hair - and a quiet voice that made her feel like everything would be alright. The girl was bright, and smart, and full of questions - which she constantly asked. For the little girl - she didn’t understand the rules of school - and so sitting in her seat - and waiting to be called on - all were foreign and new to her. She could barely contain her excitement - and so it was quite amazing that the teacher kept her patience with this little red headed “imp” in her classroom.

As the school year progressed - and got closer to ending - the little girl didn’t understand why her teacher wasn’t going to be there any more. She wished and wished - until one day - she told her teacher her wish - - - she wished that her teacher could be her mother . . .

And with their ears they scarcely hear, And they have closed their eyes -
(Mathew 13: 15)

Her parents were called in to speak with the teacher and principal. They wanted to make sure - all was alright with this child. As second grade started - a very quiet little girl was in the classroom. She never talked out loud - or got into trouble. She was going to be the “perfect” student - just like her parents had told her to be . . .

“For the heart of this people has become dull, And with their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes
Lest they should see with their eyes - and hear with their ears - and understand with their heart and return,
And I should heal them.”
(Mathew 13: 15)

So many times in life - we do not “see” what is really going on in someone’s life.
When I walked in to that store that day - there was no way that the manager would know the “troubles” that were in my life. I walked in - smiled - and handed her the paperwork I had been sent to bring. I listened to her as she went on talking - and then I picked up the box she had waiting for me - and left. As I got into the car - I took a deep breath - wondering if my daughter was alright.

It was on that day - that I had received the phone call that she had disappeared. Her friend had called me early that day - and told me that she was gone. As the day progressed - I heard back from other friends - and finally from her. She had found herself in an abusive relationship - and on this particular night - had left. She had called a friend - who found her walking down the street carrying her kitten - and bruised from head to toe . . .

“And you will seek Me and find Me - when you search for Me with all your heart . . .”
(Jeremiah 29: 13)

From the moment of the very first call - I started to pray - to hope - to beg - that my daughter would be alright. Even after I heard her voice - I worried. So when the woman wondered if I ever had troubles - it really was funny! Of course I had troubles - and worries - and things that were difficult in my life. She didn’t see them - - - because she couldn’t! Only those I trusted - with my hopes and prayers - could “see” what was in my heart . . .

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
(John 1: 4 & 5)

Last week - we went to the doctor’s office. As we stepped into the elevator to leave - I saw her standing there. She had been in the same office that we had just come from. In one hand - she held her appointment card - while she wiped at her tears - with the other. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed her - but all were looking away. I don’t know why she was crying - or what lay ahead. Silently - she tried to hide her feelings - but I saw . . .

As she walked away - I prayed that God would be with her - with whatever she was facing . . .

Praise the Lord - O my soul!
How blessed is he whose hope is in the Lord his God;
The Lord sets the prisoners free.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind;
The Lord raises up those who are bowed down;
(Psalm 146: 2, 5, 7 & 8)

Most of us do not “see” the hurts that are in another’s heart. But over the last few weeks - we have seen it on our televisions and in our newspapers. The children who have lost so much - it is there - in their eyes.

It is hard not to turn away - when we see the hurt in another’s eyes. It takes courage - to actually “see” them - and be willing to care. Are you willing? Will you take the time to bring God’s love - here to this place - where we live?

The Lord knows what is in each heart - He knows what is in yours - - - are you willing to look - as well? Only then - can you give it to Him - to heal . . .

God bless you in the coming week ahead!

In His Love,
Debbie & Ted Ayers

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Weekly Word - January 7 to 14, 2005

Weekly Word - January 7 - 14, 2005

That their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, . . . And the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery . . .
( Colossians 2: 2)

It was going to be a wonderful day - his best friend was going to sleep over! For the little boy - the excitement was huge. As the two were laying on the front lawn - they watched the clouds overhead - seeing dragons and castles - - - and all that a five year old can imagine! He took her hand - - - her name was “Debbie” - - - and he knew he was the happiest little boy . . . And then everything changed . . .

He couldn’t understand why she had to go home - but she did - and sadly he went inside. There he found his parents arguing - nothing that he hadn’t heard so many times before! But this day was different - he found himself in the middle - and the question was too hard for him to understand . . . He couldn’t answer when they asked him to choose . . . And so he watched - as his mother walked out the door . . .

Sitting on the couch - between his little brothers and sister - he started to cry. “Why are you crying?” his father asked - - - and again, he couldn’t answer. He didn’t know why . . . but his world had changed in an instant - - - and he didn’t understand . . .

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, And saves those who are crushed in spirit . . .
(Psalm 34: 18)

It was a wonderful day! It was a day for adventure - and for the 10 year old - he felt so free - like the world lay before him! As he climbed on his bike - he had no idea where he was going - only that it was an adventure - waiting just for him . . .

He rode that bike farther than he had ever ridden before - - - past houses and down roads - that he had only seen from the car window. He wondered for a moment - if he should be there - but he kept on riding . . .farther and farther he rode . . .

When his father finally found him - he asked him where he was going - and again, the boy didn’t have an answer. He didn’t know - - - but the father wondered , as he put the bicycle into the station wagon - Was he heading to find his mother? Silently, the man just turned away - - - and with his son next to him in the car - he drove home . . .

I sought the Lord, and He answered me,
He delivered me from all my fears.
(Psalm 34: 4)

When I met this kind and caring man - I met a man full of “losses” and hurts. As we grew in friendship - we listened to each other - - - knowing that each of us had suffered in life - knowing that each had pain that was left over from years ago. This was a man who had trouble saying “good-bye” . . .

There came a day - when we both knew that the friendship had gone much farther than either of us had expected. We loved each other - but had decided not to act on that love - and to keep the boundaries up - - - working to keep us “safe” - and friends . . .

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things . . .
(1 Corinthians 13: 7)

On this day - I had gone to pick him up - as we were working together. As I got to the door - I heard the song playing - - - and my heart hurt . . .

Kiss me like you’ll never see my face again - soft and tender as you can . . .
So let’s send up a prayer - for this love that we share -
Cause it could change in the blink of an eye - - -
So let’s make sure we kiss goodbye . . .

“Let’s make sure we kiss goodbye" - by Vince Gill

These are some of the words I heard - when I walked into that room - and into where he was. I looked at him - this man who had been so hurt as a little boy - and I couldn’t turn away . . .
Walking into his arms - I wanted to stay there forever - for the rest of our lives . . . That moment we gave our hearts to each other - and knew we would love each other - for the rest of our lives!

But now abide - faith, hope, love, these three . . . But the greatest of these is love.
(1 Corinthians 13: 13)

The day that Ted and I became husband and wife - we asked the Lord to be part of our marriage - our life together. We knew that each had hurts - but also knew that with God - comes healing and life. On that day - we each gave the other a present - from our hearts. I gave Ted a key chain - one that I had engraved - and this is what it says: All of me - to all of you - forever . . .

A few years after we were married - Ted and I found some old pictures he had put away. Together we sat and starting looking through them. The pictures were of when he was little - with his brothers and sister - his father - his grandparents - and even his
mother. Then he found it - the picture of his mother holding him - as a baby. She was so young - barely 18 - and so beautiful! As we looked at the picture - you could see it in her eyes - she loved him so much! “She loved me!” he said - and then I held him.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted . . .

Today is a blank sheet of paper - waiting for us to choose - what we will do with that one day. Each day is full of promise and hope - and can change our tomorrows - - - and can even heal our yesterdays . . . If we choose Love - if we choose Him . . .

Today I wrote a simple love story - of two people who are just like you are - people who love and also hurt - people who chose Life.

In a place almost half a world away - hundreds of thousands of peoples lives were changed in an instant - changed by something called a tsunami. Men, women, and children’s lives were devastated - and the grief and loss are unimaginable! You and I are only one person - but each of us can make a difference - we can make a choice . . .

We can choose today to give from our abundance - we can donate to groups who are very good at helping in disasters - - - and there are many good groups to donate to. But there is more we can choose to do - we can choose to care - we can choose to pray. As you see the faces on the television - see the brokenhearted - and ask God to be near them - holding them - through this awful time! His arms are big enough - and He will be there - as will you - if you choose to care - to pray - this day . . .

The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry.
The face of the Lord is against evildoers, . . .
The righteous cry and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
(Psalm 34: 15 - 18)

What will you choose this day? My hope is - you will choose Life - that you will choose the Lord - - - and ask Him to go with you - the rest of your Life - changing your tomorrows - and healing your yesterdays . . .

God bless you in the coming week ahead!

In His Love,
Debbie & Ted Ayers