Friday, April 22, 2011

An Easter Story

The Gift of Easter

Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father . . .
(James 1: 17)

This past week I had my two granddaughters staying with me for the day. They are amazing little girls. Emma is 11, and Abby is 8. They are full of joy and laughter, as well as wonderment of the world they live in. It has amazed me, the conversations we have had through their lives. This day was no exception.

I picked the girls up just around noon time. As we drove we planned our day ahead. We were stopping at the grocery store to get a few things for both lunch and supper. The girls talked about so many things as we drove. They were excited that Easter was close, and they talked about the little things they hoped to get. We laughed and talked about the music they liked, and of course we talked about Justin Beiber! Then somehow the conversation changed as we headed home. They were talking about life. They had questions, and I turned off the music to listen more intently as they started to ask them. “Why am I here?” Emma asked. I started to say something, but she stopped me. “No, I mean right now, why am I me?” Abby started talking at the same time. And my brain seemed on overdrive as I tried to figure out the answers to their questions. “You are just who you are supposed to be” I answered. “But I’m not perfect” Emma said in a quiet tone. Abby thought about that for a minute - and then she asked why God had made “her.” As I thought about their questions, I started to answer - j- - the only way I knew how . . .

For we all stumble - in many ways . . .
(James 3:2)

Gently, and very simply, I started to tell my litle granddaughters about God. “None of us are perfect” I started telling them. “But God and Jesus are perfect” I continued. I told them that because Jesus was the only one who was “Perfect” - He could then pay for our sins. That because of Jesus, we were perfect in God’s eyes - that God loved us - the person that we were made to be. They both thought about that for a minute, and then Abby said: “Then I need to give all my money to Him!” I asked her what she meant. “I need to pay Jesus for doing that for me!” I laughed a little bit, and then I answered her: “You don’t need to pay Jesus with money - you just need to love Him!” As they thought about that one, they seemed to take it in - and then just as quickly as this very serious conversation started - it ended. They started talking about something else - and I found myself thinking about these beautiful little girls - who were such gifts in my life . . .

and every perfect gift - is from above, . . .

This is the week of Easter It is the most Holy of weeks in the Christian faith. During this week, we celebrate how much God loves us - by sending His Son to each and every one of us. As we follow the days of this week, we re-visit the betrayal, death, and resurrection of Christ. It is the fulfillment of the teaching of what God really feels about “who” each of us are . . .

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
(John 3:16)

I can still remember being pregnant with my very first child. I was so excited, and so scared. As Christmas time came near, I went to church with my husband and family. It was a Candle-light service at the church where I was first married. As we found a seat up in the balcony, I could feel the little one starting to grow inside of me. I was about 3 months pregnant and only had a small “bump” to show where he was. But for me, it was so special - and I couldn’t help but touch my stomach in wonderment. As the candle-light service started, I felt so close to God that night. With my hands pressed to my stomach, I closed my eyes and started praying. “Lord, thank you for this gift” I prayed. “If you will let me carry this baby, I will promise to make him exactly like your son Jesus. That night, I knew I loved God, and I loved my little baby son growing inside of me. But what I didn’t know is that God wasn’t asking me to make my little son Mike into another Jesus. He was asking me to help my son grow into who “he” was made to be . . .

For God so loved the world, . . .

Way back when - - - as I carried my little son inside of me - I didn’t understand about God and how much He loved me. My little granddaughters are wondering the very same thing. They are just learning about God, and about the amazing love He has for them. Later in the day, I had the opportunity to talk to Emma again. She was still wondering about herself, and about her worth. I listened, and I told her that she was made exactly the way she was supposed to be - perfect for who God has plans for. I then told her that all God asks - is that we love Him - with all of our heart and being. I told her that “who” she is, will be God’s arms and voice - here on earth.

That night, as I picked up after the girls had gone to bed, I found something on my desk. Abby had been playing at it, and told us she was “writing”. Ted and I had been busy cooking supper, and Emma had been watching a movie. I didn’t get to see what she was working on, until that night. This is what she wrote: “I love you the most. God is the best ever! (and here she drew a heart) “I Love God!” she put on the next page. Then she wrote: “God is the best” “Thank God!” and then she drew another heart. As I read each little piece of paper, I realized that she really did believe all that I had told her. When I asked her about it the next day she told me “I made a book, just like you - I wrote about God”.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him - should not perish, but have eternal life.”

That is all God asks of us - that we believe! Just like my little granddaughters, we need to believe Him, and love Him with all our hearts, and souls, and beings. When we do, we accept His love into our lives. And we become the person - we were created to be . . .

As you celebrate this Easter, it is my hope and prayer that you will accept “who” God is calling you to be. He asks nothing more of you - than to Believe - and to Love.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 5: 13)

God bless you and keep you, as you enter this glorious Easter Celebration!

In His Love,

Debbie & Ted Ayers