Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Weekly Word - Dec. 28th to Jan. 7, 2005

Weekly Word
Dec. 28 - Jan . 7, 2005
“behold, I bring you good news of a great joy - which shall be for all the people;”
(Luke 2: 10)

This past week-end was Christmas - a celebration - with family and friends. The days were spent visiting with the family - exchanging gifts - and telling stories of times gone by . . .
As we were visiting with friends - I overheard these words: “I never back down - or run away!” and he kept on talking. As I thought about those words - I remembered back . . .

An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise and take the Child and His mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you;”
(Mathew 2: 13)

He was about 13 years old - and I really wished I was more like him! We were only a year apart - but my brother had so much more courage than I did. Forever - I was always comparing myself to him! He was tall and thin - with dark hair and beautiful dark eyes. He was always smiling and laughing - and seemed to have so many friends! While I seemed awkward and round - with red hair and freckles - and eyes that seemed too small - - - at least to me!
We both were teen-agers - but being the oldest - it was my job to keep track of “the boys“! And that wasn’t an easy task! On this one particular day - I didn’t know where he was! Until the moment he came running into the house. His face was swelling horribly - and there was blood everywhere! It was as if someone had used him as a punching bag - and for an instant - I wondered what to do . . .

I knew I was afraid - - - but I also knew I had to take care of him. And so I did! Somehow, I cleaned up his wounds - called my mother - and put ice on the eye that was swollen shut. Slowly, he told us what happened. He was with some friends - when older kids started to taunt the younger ones. His friends ran away - - - but he didn’t! As I looked at him - I wondered why he didn’t - - - and knew I would have . . .

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge, and my fortress, My God in whom I trust!”
He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge;
(Psalm 91: 2 & 4)

So many times during my life - I wished for strength to stand up against the things that made me afraid. So many times - I found myself praying - hoping - that somehow I would have courage . . .

She was my best friend - and I wanted to help her and her family - any way I could! When she asked me to help with the children - I said “yes”! When she asked me to take care of her husband’s business - doing the financial and secretarial work - - - I said “yes”. When she asked me to do her cleaning and care of the house - - - I said “yes”. Slowly - I found myself working for her - every day! And slowly - I found myself losing out on what I wanted to do - - - losing out on “my family” and “my wants!”

Then the day came - when I called another friend up, crying. “What do I do?” I asked her. “You need to stand up to her - to say no!” I remember that day - and all that I felt - - - as I stood there shaking - trying to tell my “friend” that I couldn’t put her needs first - that I needed to stop!

She looked at me with such cold eyes - and I wanted to take back the words I just said. I wanted to run away - I wanted to try to make my friend understand - - - but I couldn’t. She told me if I left - that I was never to come back. There was so much I wanted to say - to defend myself - but I couldn’t - - - I just turned - tears pouring down my face - and walked out the door . . .

You will not be afraid of the terror by night - - - Or of the arrow that flies by day;
( Psalm 91: 5)

So many times - I prayed for courage - and hoped . . .

I was always afraid of my first husband - - - I loved him - but was afraid. So on this one particular day - we were again fighting. I can’t remember the details of the fight - or even why we disagreed - but I remember what happened next. He had gone storming up the stairs to our bedroom and slammed the door. The children were somewhere in the house - hiding from the anger that was everywhere. And then it happened - - - I wasn’t afraid! I stood at the door asking him to open it - as he had locked it - wanting to keep me out! Screaming on the other side - he told me just where he wanted me to go! I was praying silently - as I found the words to ask him to please listen to me. I was amazed as I heard the words from my mouth - words of wisdom and strength. Words that only the Lord would know to give this man - who was so full of anger! Then I waited - knowing that God was right there with me . . .

For He will give His angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your ways.
(Psalm 91: 11)

The door flew open - - - and I immediately burst into tears!! Where was the strength? Where was the courage that had been there a moment before? As I walked over to the bed where my husband was sitting - I couldn’t stop the crying. Even so - I went to him. Kneeling before him - I told him all that I felt in my heart . . .

There is an appointed time for everything - - - A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
(Ecclesiastes 3: 1 & 2)

Kneeling there - before my first husband - it was as if the Lord had opened up his heart - and for a moment - love and hope were present. I don’t know why things went the way they did. I had prayed for strength and courage - to face this man - to force him to listen! But I had also prayed that God would put me just how I needed to be - so that he could hear me. And that’s what God did - - - He helped me to be soft and gentle - and He opened the way for the words to go in. There seemed to be a seed planted - one that I won’t get the chance to watch grow. But that moment happened - and God was there . . .

And there is a time for every event under heaven - - - A time to keep, and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; - - - A time for war, and a time for peace.
(Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 6, 7, 8)

“I never back down - I never run away” - Those words brought back so many memories! I wish I could say that I never was afraid - that I didn’t run away - but there are times when I have run away - and when I am afraid! There is a wonderful line in the movie “The Princess Diaries” - This is what it says: Courage is not the absence of fear - - - courage is taking that step even though you are afraid!

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High - Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God in whom I trust!”
(Psalm 91: 1 & 2)

We are coming to the end of one year - and the beginning of a brand New Year. As we begin this new year - whether we are afraid - or believe we are strong - if we look to Him - - - He will guide our ways. Will you ask Him? Will you make Him your refuge - your fortress - your God in whom you trust!

“For I know the plans I have for you . . .” says the Lord; “for a future and a hope” . . .
(Jeremiah 29:11)

God bless you in the beginning of a brand New Year!

In His Love,

Debbie & Ted Ayers

Monday, December 20, 2004

Weekly Word for Dec. 18 - 25, 2004

Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37: 4)

A few days ago - I found myself reading through some answers that friends had written - on a website that I like to visit. The question that each was answering was: What do you wish for - this Christmas? As I read their answers - I thought about what I wished for - - - and found myself full of so many thoughts and feelings - - - of Christmases past - and of the Christmas that would soon be here . . .

and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts . . .
(Romans 5: 5)

What do you wish for? - It was Christmas, and I was so excited - and so nervous! I had been wishing and hoping for so long - and now I was pregnant! As we celebrated that Christmas - I couldn’t believe it - I was going to have a child! Over the next few months - my stomach got bigger and bigger - and we started planning for when the baby would be born. We bought a little house - and our friends came to visit. We were friends with one couple - who were somewhat older than we were - and didn’t have any children. I wondered about that - but didn’t ask any questions. Then the day came - when I brought my new son home from the hospital. She came to visit - my friend. As she sat there holding him - I saw it! It was there in her eyes as she held him - the wishing - and wanting - a child! So much was there on her face - her sad smile - and the tears in her eyes - said she had been wishing for quite a while. We sat there with this new little baby - not talking - but knowing that there was something missing in her life . . .

Love - bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things . . .
(1 Corinthians 13: 7)

It was just before Christmas - and Mike was not quite 6 months old - when the phone rang. My friend’s voice - full of excitement - asked if I would come over to her house. She only lived a few minutes away - and so I packed up Mike - and off we went. As I drove in the yard - she came out - shaking and crying - and so excited! Inside the house - was her new baby boy! He was three months old - and to his brand new mother - he was the most beautiful baby in the world! She had wished and prayed for years - and then - - - he was there! This little baby boy - was her Christmas miracle!

Love - bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things - Love never fails;
(1 Corinthians 13: 7 & 8)

What do you wish for? So many times, through the years, my wishes have been around those I love. There was the Christmas when I wished I could find a “Cabbage Patch Doll”! That Christmas - Jenny was just over 3 years old. She and her best friend Sarah had asked “Santa” for those dolls that they had seen on the television - the ones born in a “Cabbage Patch“! Sarah and Jenny had been together since they were born -they were inseparable! And so it wasn’t a surprise to either Kathy or I - that both girls wanted the same thing! As the Christmas season started - we wondered how we would be able to get them. We had put our names on every toy store list - and still hadn’t heard a thing! The dolls were hard to find - and so we waited . . . .
As it got closer and closer to Christmas - I started to worry - and wondered what I would do if I couldn’t find the doll. As I looked at my little girl - with her long dark hair and big brown eyes - I wondered how I would explain why she didn’t get what she wished for . . .

In hope against hope - he believed . . .
(Romans 4: 18)

It was two days before Christmas - when the phone rang! There were two cabbage patch dolls waiting for us at the store. Excitedly, Kathy and I got ready to leave. My husband couldn’t understand why I would go out in the dark and snow - for a doll! But we left anyways!

That night - it felt like magic! In the snow we drove to the store - with Christmas music on the radio - and laughing the whole way. When we got there - we couldn’t wait to see the dolls that were ours! There was a brown haired doll and a blonde - and we knew that each girl would have their wishes come true on Christmas morning. But the true wishes - were ours! We wanted so much for our little girls . . .
Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.

Those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge . . .
(Job 37: 14 - 16)

Through the years - there have been things I have wished for - that didn’t happen - and others that did! Sometimes I find myself wishing for one more Christmas with Norma. It is a wish that cannot come true. But it comes from a gift of love and friendship - and that gift lasts with me - always!
There is a wonderful song that Bill Gaither wrote - for his children - about the wishes he and his wife had for their children. The song speaks of wishing for love and joy - as well as some “losses” - so that we might appreciate the gifts we have - - - and cherish those we love - with all our hearts!

Every perfect gift is from above . . .
(James 1: 17)

What do I wish for? - I wish for moments of “miracles” and joy - with my husband and family - and those I love! They come when we least expect them. They are the gifts of fireworks over Niagra Falls in winter - and concerts in the park. They are moments when I look and see the joy on the face of one of my granddaughters - and I hear the words “I love you!” These are the wishes I have for you too - wishes for “miracles” in your own life!

What do I wish for? - I wish that each person will know the true gift of Christmas - His Love - and that in that Love - there will be wonderful moments of pure joy, laughter, and friendships - that will last forever! As we come to this new Christmas Day - do not give up on hopes and wishes - for they are found everyday - in God’s gifts - for you! There are “miracles” all around . . . .

God bless you in the coming week ahead!

In His Love,
Debbie & Ted Ayers